Future dates
Here you can find the next dates of Terraristika Hamm.
Mark the date now and be there.
Current fair date:
Saturday, 14.09.2024
Future fair dates:
- 09.12.2023
- 09.03.2024
- 14.09.2024
- 14.12.2024
We will add more dates as soon as possible.
Until our next Terraristika Hamm there are still:
Next event:
on 14.09.2024 - 10:00 am -
Exhibitor registration:
from 10.07.2024
Notice for visitors:
Admission tickets cannot be reserved or pre-ordered and are only available at the box office on the day of the event. The reservation requirement only applies to exhibitors. No card payment possible, sale of admission tickets only for cash.
Event location
- Zentralhallen Hamm, Ökonomierat-Peitzmeier-Platz 2, 59063 Hamm
Latest publication
Official statement of TERRARISTIKA on the current press enquiry of the DPA
8. August 2019
(08.08.2019) Due to the recurring similar questions in press enquiries and in order to counter insinuations and defamations by third parties, we have decided to take a public and fundamental position here on the questions posed to us by a DPA journalist.